Notes From Media Day
August 17, 2011 – | No Comment

Before I begin, I should probably explain why we haven’t posted in a while. Frankly, it’s just been bad timing. I just got back from a study abroad program in Europe, and Charlie is still …

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Playoff or no Playoff? How About This…

Submitted by on July 9, 20092 Comments

Let me start by going on the record; I am in favor of a playoff format in college football but understand that it is not likely to happen any time soon.

The past couple days here have brought about some serious debate as to whether the BCS and bowl system is fine the way it is or if the top tier of college football should get with it and institute a playoff system just like every other sport in the country.

So seeing as Charlie covered one side of the argument and Devon already covered the other side, I figured I’d throw in my suggestion.

Pin the National Champion on the Donkey
Pin the National Champion on the Donkey

Party games are clearly the only way to go.  Take your pick!

Pin the tail on the donkey, where the team that hits the spot closest to the tail of the donkey wins a national championship trophy?  Or how about bobbing for apples, where one special apple is marked to designate a winner?

Isn’t debating whether or not a playoff would be good or bad for college football geting to a point where it is just as silly as the above proposition?  While it is a boiling point for college football fans it is also getting tired, and repetitive.  Government officials will continue to dwell on it to satisfy their voters, but nothing is going to change as a result of the government, who obviously have bigger fish to fry at the time.

So I want to know what classic party game would you like to see determine the national champion?  Because clearly there is no perfect system.

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  • Charlie

    Spin the wheel. Put all the teams in alphabetical order and give it a whirl.

  • Charlie

    Spin the wheel. Put all the teams in alphabetical order and give it a whirl.